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2018 - 05 - 25
基因编辑技术帮助人们实现了“编辑生命”的愿望,但该技术自身存在的局限性也限制了其广泛应用,此前人们的研究热情也多集中在编辑的效率、准确性与安全性,但常规的基因编辑技术在一个反应中仅能对一个或数个基因进行操作,且通常会在基因组中留下额外的不需要的序列修改,在大型研究中,已有的基因编辑技术远远无法满足大量不同基因的编辑需求。为解决上述问题,哈佛大学George Church教授领导的研究团队开发了一种基于CRISPR-Cas9的新型高通量基因编辑方法:guide+donor,该方法可以在单个酿酒酵母中同时精确改变数百个不同基因,编辑效率达到80%至100%,还能在生物体内选择特定行为细胞,进行定向基因编辑和修复。guide+donor除帮助构建大型文库外,还能进行基因功能分析,发现一些未知的基因突变和功能。5月21日,相关研究成果发表在著名学术期刊Nature Biotechnology上,文章题为“High-throughput creation and functional profiling of DNA sequence variant libraries using CRISPR–Cas9 in yeast”。George Church教授人类的基因变异通常是点突变导致,为在不干扰其他潜在变异的情况下重构酿酒酵母中的某些变异,CRISPR-Cas9技术借助sgRNA精确靶向D...
2019 - 03 - 22
给你一个冰淇淋和一块蛋糕,你先吃哪个?一块面包和一个牛油果呢?两个一块吃吗?1941 年微生物学家 Jacques Monod 给细菌提出了同样的问题。他给大肠杆菌同时提供两种食物(碳源),结果看到了两类不同的现象:对某一些食物组合(比麦芽糖和苹果酸),细菌两种同时吃,而对另一些组合(比如葡萄糖和乳糖),细菌要先吃完一种(葡萄糖),然后再会去吃另一种(乳糖)。随后 Monod 和 François Jacob 一道,找出了细菌在有葡萄糖和乳糖的情况下只吃葡萄糖的分子机制—乳糖操纵子:在这两种糖都存在的时候,细胞不会去表达运输和消化乳糖的相关基因,并获得了 1965 年的诺贝尔生理学奖。可是为什么细菌要挑食呢?为什么对于有些食物的组合它们又不挑呢?北京大学汤超教授团队发现细菌的这一套进食策略能够使它们最优化的生长。如果哪个菌种想任性一把,同时吃葡萄糖和乳糖,或者对麦芽糖和苹果酸挑食,那么它们的代价就是生长速率的降低,进而面临被淘汰的危险。结合代谢网络的拓扑特征和细胞内蛋白资源的优化分配,研究团队的理论模型定量的解释了细菌面对多种碳源的进食策略。在两类碳源同时被细菌消耗的情况下,模型预测并用实验验证了细菌内不同氨基酸上的碳原子来自两种碳源的比例。这个例子进一步说明了在看似复杂的生命现象中,存在简洁的原理与定量的规律。相关文章发表在《自然 - 通讯》杂志上。北京大学定量生物学中...
2019 - 07 - 26
科技日报北京 7 月 30 日电 (记者付丽丽)“建立严格的法律责任制度,对违反《疫苗管理法》规定构成犯罪的,依法从重追究刑事责任,货款不足 50 万元的按 50 万元计算。”30 日,在国家药监局主办的 “《疫苗管理法》颁布法规解读宣贯研讨会上”,该局政策法规司副司长吴丽雅说。《疫苗管理法》是全球首部综合性疫苗管理法律。具体来讲,吴丽雅介绍,生产、销售的疫苗属于假药的,没收违法所得和违法生产、销售的疫苗以及专门用于违法生产疫苗的原料、辅料、包装材料、设备等物品,责令停产停业整顿,吊销药品注册证书,直至吊销药品生产许可证等,并处违法生产、销售疫苗货值金额 15 倍以上 50 倍以下的罚款。生产、销售的疫苗属于劣药的,处违法生产、销售疫苗货款金额 10 倍以上 30 倍以下罚款。吴丽雅为读者算了一笔账。生产、销售的疫苗属于假药的,最低罚款:50 万元 ×(15 倍至 50 倍)=750 万元至 2500 万元;生产、销售的疫苗属于劣药的,最低罚款: 50 万元 ×(10 倍至 30 倍)=500 万元至 1500 万元。疫苗是特殊的药品,事关公共安全。吴丽雅表示,长春长生问题疫苗事件暴露出我国在疫苗监管方面存在主体责任不落实、质量安全管理不到位、职业化专业化监管力量薄弱等问题。鉴于此,《疫苗管理法》明确提出国家对疫苗实行最严格的管理制度,对疫苗的研制、生产、流通、...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述This achromat objective is ideal for general applications. This is a coverslip-corrected objective that is optimized for imaging through #1.5 coverslips. All EVOS® objectives offer outstanding optical performance from visible light to near infrared light. The extensive choice of objectives satisfies needs across the spectrum of magnifications and optical specifications.Additional characteristics of this EVOS® objective:• Magnification: 50X• Numerical Aperture: 0.95• Working Distance:...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS M7000 Imaging System is a high-performance, fully automated, inverted, multi-channel fluorescence and transmitted light imaging system. It was developed to meet today’s expectations for image quality, user interface interactions, data generation speed and flexibility, and end-user value. The powerful and time-saving acquisition tools with enhanced autofocus algorithms and automated routines for microwell plate assays, time-lapse live cell imaging, area scanning in time lapse and Z-sta...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS® FL Imaging System is a fully integrated, digital, inverted imaging system for four-color fluorescence and transmitted-light applications. It is powerful, yet easy-to-use and delivers high-definition images with exceptional convenience. The unique light cubes, sensitive camera, and precision-engineered optical system make the EVOS® FL system ideal for both demanding and routine fluorescence imaging applications.The EVOS® FL Imaging System offers you these important ad...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS® Onstage Master Plate is part of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator and holds the EVOS® Onstage Vessel Holder. The EVOS® Onstage Incubator is an environmental chamber designed specifically for use with the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System. This master plate plus vessel holder design, with vessel holders available that accommodate various types of cell culture vessels, provides flexibility in your approach to extended time-lapse imaging experiments under precisely co...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® Onstage vessel holders maximize your choice of cell culture vessels when conducting time-lapse imaging experiments using the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System equipped with an EVOS® Onstage Incubator. EVOS® Onstage vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your micro-well plates or cell culture flasks/dishes to the master plate of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates two 25-mL T-flasks. With ...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® Onstage vessel holders maximize your choice of cell culture vessels when conducting time-lapse imaging experiments using the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System equipped with an EVOS® Onstage Incubator. EVOS® Onstage vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your micro-well plates or cell culture flasks/dishes to the master plate of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates multi-well plates (dimensi...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder securely holds two 25 x 75 mm standard or chamber microscope slides and is specific for the automated stage of the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument plat...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Greiner/BD T-25 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder has a 25.4 mm opening and accommodates most vessel types. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samp...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Greiner T-75 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ves...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates a hemocytometer. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of vessel hol...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Nunc® T-75 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ...
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