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2021 - 05 - 31
2021年05月30日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --目前,国外新冠肺炎疫情仍在迅速蔓延。根据百度《新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情实时大数据报告》,截止2021年05月30日19时,全球累计确诊超过1.7亿(1.7068亿)例,死亡超过354.9万例。近日,辉瑞(Pfizer)与合作伙伴BioNTech联合宣布,其COVID-19 mRNA疫苗Comirnaty(BNT162b2)在欧盟的有条件营销授权(CMA)已扩大至纳入12-15岁的青少年。在此之前,欧洲药品管理局(EMA)人用医药产品委员会(CHMP)发布积极审查意见,推荐批准Comirnaty用于这一年龄组人群。此次Comirnaty CMA适应症扩展,在欧盟所有27个成员国均有效。Comirnaty是第一个在欧盟获得授权的COVID-19疫苗,也是第一个将其CMA扩展到青少年的疫苗。Comirnaty在欧盟成员国的分发和接种,将继续根据欧盟确定的人口和各个国家的指南来实施。在美国方面,今年5月10日,FDA批准扩大Comirnaty的紧急使用授权(EUA),纳入12-15岁青少年群体。值得一提的是,Comirnaty是在美国被批准用于这一年龄组的首个COVID-19疫苗。此前,FDA已授予Comirnaty用于≥16岁人群进行主动免疫的EUA。BioNTech首席执行官兼联合创始人Ugur Sahin医学博士表示:“今天,我们在欧盟...
2018 - 07 - 13
对于酸奶我们并不陌生,超市冷藏柜中形形色色的酸奶有时候常常让我们眼花缭乱,酸奶作为人们日常饮食中不可缺少的食物,其对机体健康都有什么好处呢?看看下面这些研究吧!【1】希腊酸奶vs原味酸奶vs低脂酸奶 你如何选择一种最健康的酸奶?新闻阅读:Plain, Greek, low-fat? How to choose a healthy yoghurt酸奶是世界上最古老的发酵乳制品之一,其发源可以追溯到人类文明的开始,当人类开始驯养动物生产牛奶时,对于牛奶的保质期,人类就需要想出一些解决方案了。yoghurt(酸奶)一词来自土耳其,也就是说,在酸奶的生产过程中,牛奶会发生凝结或增稠的过程。与牛奶一样,酸奶也富含钙质和蛋白质,而且其还能为机体提供其它营养成分,比如碘、维生素D、B2、B12和锌等。但酸奶的营养要高于牛奶,主要的原因是发酵的过程会让其更易于被机体所消化,因此营养物质就可以很轻松地被机体所吸收。然而酸奶也有很多类型,比如希腊酸奶和液态酸奶,以及一些添加水果和益生菌的酸奶,那么你知道哪种酸奶最健康吗?通过向鲜奶中引入一些特定的细菌就能制作酸奶了,比如嗜热链球菌、德氏乳杆菌和保加利亚乳杆菌等。通常情况下这些细菌都会在酸奶中出现并且形成酸奶发酵液,它们的协同关系是最终产品一致性的关键因素,同时这也能够带来一些健康益处,比如降低机体腹泻的严重程度和持续时间等。【2】J Nutr and ...
2019 - 05 - 13
2019年5月23日讯 /生物谷BIOON /——发表在《JNeurosci》上的一项研究发现,缺乏Shank3基因的老鼠在前额皮质显示出结构和功能缺陷。这项研究增进了我们对自闭症谱系障碍最常见的遗传风险因素之一的理解。Shank3突变在患有自闭症和相关发育障碍的人群中很常见。先前的动物研究表明,Shank3和基底神经节功能障碍之间存在关联,这可能导致自闭症的重复性行为特征。在人类中,Shank3突变也与智力和语言障碍有关。图片来源: JNeurosciMarco Pagani、Alessandro Gozzi和他们的同事在成年雄性小鼠身上使用磁共振成像技术,发现缺乏Shank3的动物的前额皮质连接性和灰质体积减少。研究人员报告说,这些大脑差异与雌鼠的社交活动受损密切相关。这些发现证实了Shank3在维持前额皮质连接方面的作用,这可能会增加自闭症风险。(生物谷Bioon.com)参考资料:Alessandro Gozzi eT al. DeleTion of AuTism Risk Gene Shank3 DisrupTs PrefronTal ConnecTiviTy, JNeurosci (2019). DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2529-18.2019
时间: 2019 - 04 - 17
描述The 2018 Attune NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer has expanded functionalities to drive your research forward. Designed and developed to remove common barriers associated with flow cytometry, the evolutionary capabilities of the Attune NxT flow cytometer offer adaptable optical configuration options so you can get the most out of your multicolor analysis.• Free Attune NxT software with researcher-inspired upgrades• New green laser option for expanded utility and fluorochrome options• Simple push...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 17
描述The 2018 Attune NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer has expanded functionalities to drive your research forward. Designed and developed to remove common barriers associated with flow cytometry, the evolutionary capabilities of the Attune NxT flow cytometer offer adaptable optical configuration options so you can get the most out of your multicolor analysis.• Free Attune NxT software with researcher-inspired upgrades• New green laser option for expanded utility and fluorochrome options• Simple push...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 17
描述7-aminoactinomycin D (7-AAD) is a fluorescent intercalator that undergoes a spectral shift upon association with DNA. 7-AAD/DNA complexes can be excited by the 488 nm laser and has an emission maxima of 647 nm, making this nucleic acid stain useful for multicolor fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. 7-AAD appears to be generally excluded from live cells, but can be used with cells that have been fixed and permeabilized. 7-AAD has been used for cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry....
产品名称: Dynabeads™ CD45
时间: 2019 - 04 - 17
DescriptionDynabeads® CD45 are superparamagnetic beads covalently coupled to anti-human CD45 antibody that enable isolation or depletion of CD45+ leucocytes directly from whole blood, buffy coat, or MNC suspensions. Dynabeads® CD45 can also be used to enrich epithelial tumor cells. The CD45 antigen is weakly expressed on myeloid cells. To efficiently deplete or isolate all leucocytes including myeloid cells, use Dynabeads® CD15 (Cat. No. 11137D) in combination with Dynabeads®...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述This achromat objective is ideal for general applications. This is a coverslip-corrected objective that is optimized for imaging through #1.5 coverslips. All EVOS® objectives offer outstanding optical performance from visible light to near infrared light. The extensive choice of objectives satisfies needs across the spectrum of magnifications and optical specifications.Additional characteristics of this EVOS® objective:• Magnification: 50X• Numerical Aperture: 0.95• Working Distance:...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS M7000 Imaging System is a high-performance, fully automated, inverted, multi-channel fluorescence and transmitted light imaging system. It was developed to meet today’s expectations for image quality, user interface interactions, data generation speed and flexibility, and end-user value. The powerful and time-saving acquisition tools with enhanced autofocus algorithms and automated routines for microwell plate assays, time-lapse live cell imaging, area scanning in time lapse and Z-sta...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS® FL Imaging System is a fully integrated, digital, inverted imaging system for four-color fluorescence and transmitted-light applications. It is powerful, yet easy-to-use and delivers high-definition images with exceptional convenience. The unique light cubes, sensitive camera, and precision-engineered optical system make the EVOS® FL system ideal for both demanding and routine fluorescence imaging applications.The EVOS® FL Imaging System offers you these important ad...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述The EVOS® Onstage Master Plate is part of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator and holds the EVOS® Onstage Vessel Holder. The EVOS® Onstage Incubator is an environmental chamber designed specifically for use with the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System. This master plate plus vessel holder design, with vessel holders available that accommodate various types of cell culture vessels, provides flexibility in your approach to extended time-lapse imaging experiments under precisely co...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® Onstage vessel holders maximize your choice of cell culture vessels when conducting time-lapse imaging experiments using the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System equipped with an EVOS® Onstage Incubator. EVOS® Onstage vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your micro-well plates or cell culture flasks/dishes to the master plate of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates two 25-mL T-flasks. With ...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® Onstage vessel holders maximize your choice of cell culture vessels when conducting time-lapse imaging experiments using the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System equipped with an EVOS® Onstage Incubator. EVOS® Onstage vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your micro-well plates or cell culture flasks/dishes to the master plate of the EVOS® Onstage Incubator for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates multi-well plates (dimensi...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder securely holds two 25 x 75 mm standard or chamber microscope slides and is specific for the automated stage of the EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument plat...
时间: 2019 - 04 - 15
描述EVOS® vessel holders allow a perfect fit of your microscope slide, cell culture flask or dish, or micro-well plate to the stage of the EVOS® imaging systems for increased precision in sample alignment. This particular vessel holder accommodates one Greiner/BD T-25 flask. It is just one of many easy-to-change vessel holders and stage plates available for this instrument platform. With a snug and secure fit, yet readily switched, these accessories make imaging samples in a range of ...
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