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2018 - 06 - 08
2018年6月6日讯 /生物谷BIOON /——PERIOD 2 (PER2)蛋白的多点磷酸化是决定哺乳动物生物钟周期的关键步骤。过去的研究认为PER2被酪蛋白激酶1(CK1)磷酸化的过程需要一种未被发现的蛋白激酶来启动,而CK1是一种从藻类到人类都高度保守的生物钟必需蛋白。这些磷酸化过程可以稳定PER2,延缓其降解以延长生物钟周期。图片来源:CCO public domain为了找到这个必需的蛋白质,一个由杜克-新加坡国立大学医学院研究人员领导的国际团队对小鼠PER2启动磷酸化的过程进行了综合的生物化学和生物物理学分析,结果惊讶地发现CK1δ/ε就是他们寻找的启动激酶。此外,他们还发现CK1ε和一个最近发现的CK1δ2剪接变体可以比CK1δ1更有效地启动磷酸化。尽管过去研究显示CK1对PER2的磷酸化对细胞环境很不敏感,但是研究人员通过使用生物节律磷酸化开关数学模型发现CK1羧基端尾部使得生物钟周期对细胞信号敏感。这些研究表明CK1羧基端是生物节律的一个重要的调节因子。(生物谷Bioon.com)参考资料:Rajesh Narasimamurthy et al, CK1δ/ε protein kinase primes the PER2 circadian phosphoswitch, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci...
2019 - 03 - 29
空气污染有关众所周知,污浊的空气对身体有害,每年在全球范围内造成数百万人死亡。这使空气污染成为比吸烟更厉害的杀手。然而,空气污染对人类大脑也有害吗?一项研究发现,在英国污染最严重地区,青少年的精神疾病问题(包括幻觉)更加常见。相关成果日前发表于《美国医学会杂志—精神病学》。然而,这种关联并非意味着吸入污浊空气会使青少年患上精神疾病,因为可能还有其他解释。该研究作者之一、伦敦国王学院的 Helen Fisher 表示,这项研究未显示出因果关系。Fisher 和同事发现,在 2000 名 18 岁青少年中,30% 的人报告称其在青少年时期至少有过一次精神疾病经历——其他针对年轻人的研究也报告了类似数字。然而研究发现,当把这些青少年的住址与空气污染情况作对照时,那些生活在污染程度较高地区的青少年更有可能有精神疾病史。在氮氧化物(由柴油车产生的污染物)含量最高的地区,每 20 名青少年中就有 12 名报告患有精神疾病;而在空气较清洁地区,降至每 20 人中有 7 人患病。目前尚不清楚空气污染与精神疾病存在何种关联。该团队提出的一种推测性机制是,污染物累积会直接影响大脑。研究表明,空气污染与额叶皮层和嗅球的炎症和退化有关,其中嗅球是大脑中负责嗅觉的部分。而大脑炎症已被证实与精神疾病有关。一个更简单的解释可能是,不是污染空气本身,而是汽车排放的噪音污染带来了问题。噪音污染会增加压力、扰乱睡眠,...
2019 - 08 - 01
第二看台老年性黄斑变性(AMD)、视网膜色素变性(RP)等视网膜变性疾病是目前尚无有效治疗手段的凶险致盲性眼病,也是公认的 “视力杀手”。由中南大学爱尔眼科学院院长唐仕波教授、爱尔眼科研究所副所长陈建苏教授带领团队,利用诱导多能干细胞(iPS)条件培养基和飞秒角膜透镜,联合构建高活性视网膜色素上皮细胞(RPE)的研究,不但有利于对视网膜色素上皮细胞生理特性、药物筛选等研究,还有利于构建组织工程视网膜层及其移植。这将帮助科学家开发出应用组织工程 RPE 细胞片治疗视网膜变性疾病和光感受器病变的新方法。培养高活性的视网膜细胞与年龄相关的老年性黄斑变性是发达国家 50 岁以上人群视力损害和致盲的首要病因,多达 90% 的病人无法治愈。数据显示,发达国家年龄 50 岁以上黄斑变性的发病率达 11%,目前我国的发病率接近发达国家,患病人数超过 3000 万人,并以每年 30 万人次的速度增加,成为我国现阶段 50 岁以上年龄群体发病率最高的三大眼科疾病之一,而且女性呈现出比男性更高的危险性。研究发现,未来最有希望治疗老年性黄斑变性的方式是视网膜色素上皮细胞疗法、视网膜黄斑部分的移植。那么,要采用 RPE 疗法,就需要先培养健康的视网膜细胞。陈建苏告诉科技日报记者,取出死亡时间在 3 小时内捐献者的带有部分脉络膜的视网膜组织,在解剖显微镜下可将带有部分脉络膜的 RPE 层从捐赠组织中分离出来,...

Premo™ FUCCI Cell Cycle Sensor (BacMam 2.0)

上市日期: 2019-04-18


Color:Green, Red-Orange
Delivery Method:Baculovirus (BacMam System)
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Emission Class:Visible
Excitation Class:Visible
Excitation⁄Emission (nm):488⁄510 (Green), 555⁄584 (Red)
For Use With (Equipment):Flow Cytometer, Fluorescence Microscope, Fluorescent Imager, High Content Instrument, Tali® Image-Based Cytometer
Label or Dye:GFP (EmGFP), RFP (TagRFP)
Product Line:Premo™
Product Size:2 x 200 µL
Quantity:2 vials (200 µl each)
Sub-Cellular Localization:Nucleus
Technique:Fluorescence Intensity
Shipping Condition:Wet Ice

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Premo™ FUCCI Cell Cycle Sensor is a fluorescent, two-color sensor of cell cycle progression and division in live cells. It allows accurate and sensitive cell cycle analysis of individual cells or a population of cells by fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, or high-content imaging.

At 2 x 200 µL, this is a smaller pack size version (1/5 volume) of the popular full-size product and perfect for testing its performance in your system.

The Premo™ FUCCI Cell Cycle Sensor is delivered by highly efficient BacMam 2.0 technology, enabling cell cycle studies in essentially any cell type. Provided in a ready-to-use format—simply add, incubate, and image. Premo™ FUCCI affords highly efficient transient expression in cell lines, primary cells, and stem cells.

Premo™ FUCCI Cell Cycle Sensor is:

Accurate: Cell-cycle controlled expression of bright GFP and RFP indicators for live cell analysis of individual cells or populations
Highly Efficient: >90% transduction of a wide range of mammalian cell lines, including primary cells, stem cells, and neurons
Fast and Convenient: Simply add Premo™ FUCCI Cell Cycle Sensor to your cells in complete medium, incubate overnight, and analyze
Safe: BacMam reagents are non-integrating and non-replicating in mammalian cells, lack observable cytopathic effects, and are suitable for biosafety level (BSL) 1 handling

Study Cell Cycle in the Relevant Cellular Context
If you are studying cell cycle regulators, cell differentiation, or are developing anti-cancer compounds against cell cycle-related targets, Premo™ FUCCI is a superbly sensitive and accurate sensor tool. The efficient transduction and transient expression allows you to conduct these experiments in the biologically relevant cell types.

Simple, Quick Cell Cycle Visualization
Simply add the ready-to-use Premo™ FUCCI cell cycle sensor to your cells in complete medium, incubate overnight, then visualize cell cycle progression in populations of cells using fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, or high content imaging instruments. Cells change from red in the G1 to yellow in the G1/S interphase and green in S, G2, and M phases, as fusions of emGFP and TagRFP coupled to two cell cycle-regulated proteins are expressed and degraded.

How It Works
Premo™ FUCCI is derived from the fluorescence ubiquitination cell cycle indicator (FUCCI), developed by Miyawaki and colleagues (Ref 1). FUCCI is based on two cell cycle-regulated proteins, geminin and Cdt1, fused to one green (emGFP) and red (TagRFP) fluorescent protein, respectively. As Cdt1 and geminin are present only during specific phases of the cell cycle, the fluorescent protein partner is similarly cell-cycle dependent. Ubiquitination by specific ubiquitin E3 ligases target the fusion constructs in the proteasome for degradation. E3 ligases display temporal regulation of activity, resulting in biphasic cycling of geminin and Cdt1 levels during the cell cycle. Geminin-GFP is degraded in the G1 phase; the presence of Cdt1-TagRFP is indicated by red fluorescence within nuclei. During the S, G2, and M phases, however, Cdt1 is degraded and only geminin-GFP remains, giving cells green-fluorescent nuclei. During the G1/S transition, when Cdt1 levels are decreasing and geminin levels are increasing, both proteins are present, giving a yellow-fluorescent nuclear signal. This dynamic color change (red to yellow to green) clearly displays progression through the cell cycle and division.

Powered by BacMam 2.0 Technology
BacMam technology is based on an insect virus (baculovirus) for efficient transduction and transient expression in mammalian cells. The Premo™ FUCCI cell cycle sensor uses BacMam 2.0 technology to enable cell cycle studies in essentially any cell type, from cell lines to stem cells by incorporation of a mammalian expression cassette for the FUCCI construct. Compared with BacMam 1.0 technology, BacMam 2.0 does not require the use of an enhancer and can be used in complete medium. There is no need to purify plasmid or worry about vector integrity and quality. No lipids, dye-loading chemicals, or other potentially harmful treatments are required. BacMam 2.0 incorporates elements that greatly enhance transduction efficiency and expression levels: a pseudotyped capsid protein for more efficient cell entry, an enhanced CMV promoter, and the Woodchuck hepatitis post-transcriptional regulatory element (WPRE).

Titratable Expression that Lasts Up to Two Weeks
The transient transgene expression lasts from about 5 days in transformed cell lines to up to two weeks in slowly dividing cells, such as some primary cell types; we have imaged terminally differentiated neurons more than three weeks after transduction. In addition, BacMam technology permits defined optimization because it gives you the ability to precisely titrate expression levels. Baculoviruses do not replicate in mammalian cells, nor are viral genes expressed, giving them an excellent safety profile and lack of cytopathic effects on mammalian cells.

Learn more about the Premo™ FUCCI Cell Cycle Sensor


1. Sakaue-Sawano A, Kurokawa H, Morimura T, Hanyu A, Hama H, Osawa H, Kashiwagi S, Fukami K, Miyata T, Miyoshi H, Imamura T, Ogawa M, Masai H, Miyawaki A. Visualizing spatiotemporal dynamics of multicellular cell-cycle progression. Cell. 2008 Feb 8;132(3):487-98. PubMed PMID: 18267078

Related products
We offer a range of BacMam-based reagents beyond CellLight® reagents, including the BacMam GFP Transduction Control that is ideal to test out the technology and optimize transduction conditions, Premo™ Biosensors, including Premo™ Autophagy Sensor, ion channel drug targets, pathway analysis kits, and more.

Learn more about these products and the BacMam technology

See other imaging tools and reagents

For Research Use Only. Not intended for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use


Color:Green, Red-Orange
Delivery Method:Baculovirus (BacMam System)
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Emission Class:Visible
Excitation Class:Visible
Excitation⁄Emission (nm):488⁄510 (Green), 555⁄584 (Red)
For Use With (Equipment):Flow Cytometer, Fluorescence Microscope, Fluorescent Imager, High Content Instrument, Tali® Image-Based Cytometer
Label or Dye:GFP (EmGFP), RFP (TagRFP)
Product Line:Premo™
Product Size:2 x 200 µL
Quantity:2 vials (200 µl each)
Sub-Cellular Localization:Nucleus
Technique:Fluorescence Intensity
Shipping Condition:Wet Ice


Color:Green, Red-Orange
Delivery Method:Baculovirus (BacMam System)
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Emission Class:Visible
Excitation Class:Visible
Excitation⁄Emission (nm):488⁄510 (Green), 555⁄584 (Red)
For Use With (Equipment):Flow Cytometer, Fluorescence Microscope, Fluorescent Imager, High Content Instrument, Tali® Image-Based Cytometer
Label or Dye:GFP (EmGFP), RFP (TagRFP)
Product Line:Premo™
Product Size:2 x 200 µL
Quantity:2 vials (200 µl each)
Sub-Cellular Localization:Nucleus
Technique:Fluorescence Intensity
Shipping Condition:Wet Ice

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