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2019 - 02 - 01
复旦大学类脑智能科学与技术研究院冯建峰团队对来自英美等 6 个国家、20 余所研究机构超过 1 万例影像遗传学数据进行计算分析,通过全脑全基因组范围的 “广泛搜索”,发现与青春期大脑壳核体积相关的基因位点同时也是精神分裂症的风险位点。该成果近日发表于《美国医学会杂志—精神病学卷》。“这项研究证明青春期大脑壳核体积异常和精神分裂症致病风险高度相关。” 冯建峰表示,该发现有望帮助科学家揭示精神分裂症发病机制,为临床症状出现之前的超前干预研究提供新思路。精神疾病防治是当今世界各国面临的共同难题。据报道,在中国,精神疾病已超过心脑血管疾病和恶性肿瘤,成为医疗体系的最大负担。“大脑在不同年龄受不同遗传信息影响,此前的研究未严格控制这一混杂因素,导致重要的遗传信号被‘淹没’。” 论文第一作者、复旦大学类脑智能科学与技术研究院副研究员罗强告诉《中国科学报》,研究团队选取了 14 岁健康青少年脑结构影像数据,同时突破了传统的解剖学脑区划分限制,在全脑全基因组范围内开展无偏的探索性研究,首次找到了青少年大脑结构与基因位点之间最为显著的关联关系。同时针对该结果,研究人员进一步开展了孟德尔随机化分析,发现了一条基因—大脑—精神分裂症的新通路。“这项研究的突破主要基于对来自全球范围的多中心影像遗传学数据进行计算分析,这些全维度标准化大数据的获取,得益于多年来我们在全世界范围内深入开展的国际合作研究。” 冯...
2019 - 06 - 18
和50年前相比,现在人们日常卡路里摄入更多,平均每天高出650大卡,相当于每天多吃了一顿有汉堡、薯条和可乐的套餐,约占男性和女性每日所需食物能量的1/4和1/3。这些多余的卡路里不仅体现在越来越多人圆滚的腰围上,根据澳大利亚国立大学(Australian National University,ANU)的专家提醒,更会对我们的大脑带来“毁灭性”的影响。ANU团队的最新研究显示,由于不健康生活方式,大脑功能衰退可能比我们想象得更早。研究结果近日发表在Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology。根据世界卫生组织的数据,全球约有39%的成人超重,13%的成人肥胖。作为超重和肥胖的常见健康后果之一,2型糖尿病在2030年将影响约10%的成人。众所周知,2型糖尿病与大脑健康受损、认知功能退化有关,神经损伤也是糖尿病的并发症之一。那么,在还没有出现高血糖等符合糖尿病诊断的症状时,神经退行性病变和认知障碍是否也已经处于病理过程中了?又与哪些导致血糖变化的因素有关?研究团队回顾了近200项相关的国际研究,结果表明,即便是非糖尿病人群,由于血糖偏高和肥胖而导致的神经病变也在非常早期就开始了,并且从那时起就开始影响大脑健康和认知功能。比如,一项涉及澳大利亚超过7000人的PATH研究显示,哪怕血糖值尚且在正常范围内,但血糖偏高的人群,大脑中海马和杏仁核普遍萎缩更多,4年内体积约缩小...
2018 - 11 - 08
2018年10月31日-11月2日,北京照生行仪器设备有限公司在上海新国际展览中心E2-2380馆亮相2018慕尼黑上海生化分析展。                                                                                   目前,作为美国Labconco公司在中国的独家代理商,为全国范围内的客户提供Labconco公司的全线产品——冷冻干燥系统、生物安全柜、洗瓶机、离心浓缩仪、样品快速蒸发系统、通风橱、动物柜、手套箱等。金牌级别的销售为您保“价”护航。此次展会,小佑很荣幸的去到上海这座魔都支持展会活动。在慕尼黑生化分析展开始前,小佑给大家展示过我们展台的效果图,今天小佑带大家欣赏我们展台搭建的实体效果噻!就说美不美?展会期间我们将冷冻干燥系统、离心浓缩系统、生物安全柜和洗瓶机的系列产品携带于展会。让更多的观...

EVOS™ FL Imaging System

上市日期: 2019-04-15
产品类别: EVOS


Color:Transmitted Light
Data Output:BMP Files, JPG Files, PNG Files, TIFF Files
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Dimensions:36 cm (14 in) (W) x 58 cm (23 in) (H) x 47 cm (19 in) (D)
Display Interface:15-inch color monitor, Adjustable tilt
For Use With (Equipment):Fluorescence Microscope
Format:Specific Holder Attachments
Frequency:50⁄60 Hz
Input Voltage:100-240 VAC
Objectives:5 Objective Turret
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Stage:Mechanical stage with X-Y axis fine-positioning controls
Weight:15.3 kg (33.7 lbs)

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The EVOS® FL Imaging System is a fully integrated, digital, inverted imaging system for four-color fluorescence and transmitted-light applications. It is powerful, yet easy-to-use and delivers high-definition images with exceptional convenience. The unique light cubes, sensitive camera, and precision-engineered optical system make the EVOS® FL system ideal for both demanding and routine fluorescence imaging applications.

The EVOS® FL Imaging System offers you these important advantages:

• Easy installation; no maintenance, assembly, alignment, or calibration
• For four-color fluorescence and transmitted light applications
• Five-position objective turret with front controls
• On-board software
• All-in-one design: digital camera, precision optics, LCD display, and USB storage

Fully Integrated Imaging System
The EVOS® FL system represents a new concept in transmitted light inverted microscopy. It is a fully integrated imaging system that combines precision optics, a 15' high-resolution LCD display, and a highly sensitive Sony ICX445 monochrome CCD camera (1280 x 960 pixel resolution, 1.3 Megapixels). Images are seamlessly acquired through the intuitive user interface using a mouse for easy control. Monochrome cameras are commonly used for high-performance fluorescence applications and provide the best sensitivity for detection of faint fluorescence signals. Color cameras, as on the EVOS® FL Color System, have lower fluorescence sensitivity but have the advantage of being able to differentiate structures by color in transmitted light (e.g., imaging stained tissue samples).

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Versatile and Highly Configurable
The EVOS® FL system features an easily accessible 5-position objective turret and a 3-position condenser turret. The 4 fluorescence light cubes are lever-actioned for rapid and easy selection. The optical system can be configured to best meet your needs using our full range of high-quality objectives from 2x to 100x magnification. Lighting settings are automatically adjusted to match the objective magnification. The EVOS® FL system features a mechanical stage with X/Y-axis fine-positioning using control knobs conveniently located on the left side and the front of the stage. The stage accommodates EVOS® vessel holders that provide a perfect fit for most vessel types and sizes. Interchangeable stage plates accommodate most vessel types and sizes, including flasks, Petri dishes, multi-well plates, and slides.

Smart LED Illumination Technology
All EVOS® fluorescence imaging systems utilize our unique, proprietary LED light cubes. This world-leading light engine outputs remarkable intensity over a short light-path that delivers superior fluorophore excitation. Each light cube contains a precisely matched set of optical components to optimize the position, evenness, and intensity of the light beam. Digitally controlled LED light sources allow adjustment of illumination levels, dramatically improving control over photobleaching. Hard-coated filters give sharper edges and significantly higher transmission efficiencies than traditional soft-coated filters.

Integrated Software
The on-board computer makes the EVOS® FL system easy to run and use, and the intuitive, comprehensive software facilitates both image acquisition and analysis. Modules include time-lapse acquisition, manual-assist cell counting, and image review. Saved user settings work in conjunction with 'smart' controls to help increase efficiency and ease of use. Image data are saved to a USB flash drive for easy, portable data transfer or to a Windows-networked local server. Images can be saved in PNG, JPEG, BMP, and TIFF formats with a maximum captured image resolution of 1280 x 960 pixels.

These features make the EVOS® FL system ideal for both routine and demanding fluorescence imaging applications such as GFP-vector transfection efficiency analysis, routine cell and tissue culture, cell confluence determination, stem cell growth and differentiation, and developmental biology and tissue slice analyses. And the compact footprint makes it as easy to use the EVOS® FL system in a cell culture hood as on the bench.

Easy to Use and Reliable
The EVOS® FL Imaging System is plug-and-play. In addition to an exceptionally easy set-up and installation, it requires no warm-up or cool-down periods. The LED light source offers exceptional stability and durability—so you can turn the unit on and off whenever you need to image a sample. The environmentally safe mercury-free LED bulbs are rated for >50,000 hours (~17 years) of life, compared to 300 hours for a typical mercury bulb and 1,500 hours for a metal halide bulb. The long life and low energy consumption translate into significantly lower operating costs compared to instruments with conventional light sources. Finally, the advanced ergonomic design of the EVOS® systems removes the strain associated with conventional microscopes, enables shared viewing, and makes moving the units easy. For extended or precision use, the EVOS® arm rest provides comfortable support.

The EVOS® imaging systems are built from the ground up to maximize performance and optimize workflow. You will be astonished at how easy it is to operate and amazed at how extraordinary your images look on-screen.

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Explore the entire EVOS® line of imaging systems and accessories

System Highlights
Optics: infinity-corrected optical system, RMS-threaded objectives with 45 mm parfocal distance
Illumination: adjustable intensity LED (>50,000-hour life per light cube)
Light cubes (not included): broad selection of patented standard and specialty light cubes
Common light cubes include: DAPI (Ex 360 nm/Em 447 nm), GFP (Ex 470 nm/Em 525 nm), RFP (Ex 530 nm/Em 593 nm), Texas Red® (Ex 585 nm/Em 624), Cy5 (Ex 628 nm/Em 692 nm)
Contrast methods: fluorescence and transmitted light (brightfield & phase contrast)
Objective turret: 5-position, front-mounted control
Objectives (not included): wide selection of high-quality LWD and coverslip-corrected objectives available
Condenser: 3-position turret with brightfield and phase contrast annuli
Condenser working distance: 60 mm
Stage: mechanical 'glide' stage; X-Y axis fine-positioning controls: 28.3 mm (1.11') per rotation, 110 mm x 110 mm (4.3' x 4.3') range of motion; Z-axis focusing controls: 480 µm/rotation; interchangeable vessel holders are available for most common shapes and sizes
Focus mechanism: coaxial focus knobs with tension control
Course focus: 38 mm/rev
Fine focus: 0.2mm/rev, precision 0.002 mm
LCD display: 15-inch color, 1024 x 768 pixels, adjustable tilt
Camera: Sony ICX445 monochrome CCD, 1/3' 1280 x 960 pixels, 1.3 Megapixels
Image acquisition: onboard microprocessor, built-in software for image acquisition via mouse control
Captured images: 16-bit monochrome TIFF or PNG (12-bit dynamic range); 24-bit color TIFF or PNG; jpeg, bmp, 1280 x 960 pixels
Output ports: 3 USB and 1 DVI
Power supply: AC adapter with country-specific power cords; input 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz; output 12 VDC/4.15 A
Dimensions: operating height = 57.8 cm (22.75 in); storage/transport height = 32.4 cm (12.75 in); depth = 47.0 cm (18.5 in); width = 35.5 cm (14.0 in)
Weight: 15.3 kg (33.7 lbs) 


Color:Transmitted Light
Data Output:BMP Files, JPG Files, PNG Files, TIFF Files
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Dimensions:36 cm (14 in) (W) x 58 cm (23 in) (H) x 47 cm (19 in) (D)
Display Interface:15-inch color monitor, Adjustable tilt
For Use With (Equipment):Fluorescence Microscope
Format:Specific Holder Attachments
Frequency:50⁄60 Hz
Input Voltage:100-240 VAC
Objectives:5 Objective Turret
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Stage:Mechanical stage with X-Y axis fine-positioning controls
Weight:15.3 kg (33.7 lbs)


Color:Transmitted Light
Data Output:BMP Files, JPG Files, PNG Files, TIFF Files
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Dimensions:36 cm (14 in) (W) x 58 cm (23 in) (H) x 47 cm (19 in) (D)
Display Interface:15-inch color monitor, Adjustable tilt
For Use With (Equipment):Fluorescence Microscope
Format:Specific Holder Attachments
Frequency:50⁄60 Hz
Input Voltage:100-240 VAC
Objectives:5 Objective Turret
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Stage:Mechanical stage with X-Y axis fine-positioning controls
Weight:15.3 kg (33.7 lbs)

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