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2018 - 06 - 14
2018年6月13日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --阿尔茨海默氏症(AD)一直是新药研发的重灾区,该领域研发失败率高达99.6%。过去几年,包括礼来、阿斯利康、强生、辉瑞、罗氏在内的制药巨头投资达数十亿美元之巨的多个单抗药物均在III期临床惨遭失败,为该领域的投资前景蒙上了厚厚的阴云。之后,另一个很有前途的新药类别——BACE抑制剂,成功取代抗体药物站在了AD研发的舞台中央。然而,BACE抑制剂似乎也不大可能打破魔咒,正在追随着单抗药物的步伐。去年情人节当天,BACE抑制剂领域的领头羊——默沙东宣布终止verubecestat治疗轻至中度AD的大型III期研究EPOCH(protocol 017);今年情人节前一天,默沙东再次宣布终止verubecestat治疗前驱期AD的大型III期研究APECS(protocol 019)。这也意味着,verubecestat治疗AD的III期临床项目已完全终止。而2次公告时间均选在情人节,特别耐人寻味,默沙东似乎在述说着心中的苦楚和不舍,而这一点,一大票巨头们都深有感触:AD,AD,想说爱你,真的不易o(╥﹏╥)o!就在昨天,礼来和阿斯利康哥俩,手牵手沿着BACE国道,哭喊着朝默沙东奔去,原因竟然是——————————他们的BACE抑制剂也O-O-O-O-OVER了!!!根据公告,双方将终止lanabecestat的全球III期项目,包括lan...
2019 - 04 - 04
英国国家医疗服务系统(NHS)近日批准了三种新的甲状腺癌疗法作为甲状腺癌的常规疗法。由国家健康和护理研究所(NICE)提出的推荐指南建议把cabozantinib(Cometriq)和索拉菲尼sorafenib(Nexavar)转移进癌症药物基金。被批准的第三种药物是乐伐替尼(Lenvatinib/Lenvima),过去这个药物仅仅在出于同情的情况下提供使用。英国癌症研究中心的高级政策顾问Rose Gray对这些决定感到高兴,他认为这对于病人而言是好消息。病人选择有限!Cabozantinib被推荐用于治疗无法进行手术治疗或者已经转移的甲状腺髓样癌。英国每年约有80例这种病人。Gray说临床结果显示Cabozantinib能够延缓癌症进展。这是仅有的治疗甲状腺髓样癌的两种药物之一。Lenvatinib和sorafenib被批准用于治疗手术或者放射性碘治疗无效的分化型甲状腺癌,这是最常见的种类。手术或者放射性碘治疗后,这两种药物是这些病人的唯二选择。每年英国约有200人能由于这两种药物获益。Lenvatinib和sorafenib比通常认为可以接受的效果差一点,但是在病人报道他们生活质量得到改善后,NICE批准了这两种药物。“NICE从一些病人口中听说了这些药物如何改善症状,这表明这些药物在癌症病人身上的价值。”Gray说道。NICE健康技术评估中心执行主任Mirella Marlo...
2019 - 08 - 09
今日,美国FDA批准罗氏(Roche)公司开发的NTRK,ROS1和ALK抑制剂Rozlytrek(entrectinib)上市,治疗携带NTRK基因融合的实体瘤患者,以及携带ROS1基因突变的非小细胞肺癌患者。这也是美国FDA批准的第三款“不限癌种”的抗癌疗法。自从去年Loxo Oncology/拜耳(Bayer)公司联合开发的TRK抑制剂Vitrakvi(larotrectinib)获批以来。“不限癌种”抗癌疗法得到了广大业界人士和患者的关注。还有哪些“不限癌种“疗法即将问世?“不限癌种“的抗癌疗法发展的前景如何?今天的这篇文章里,药明康德内容团队将结合公开资料,与读者分享这些问题的答案。“不限癌种“疗法的理论基础和面对的挑战我们知道,基因突变是驱动正常细胞癌变的关键。近年来高通量测序技术的进步,让我们获得了许多对癌症背后的分子生物学机理的洞见。基于这些洞见,我们对癌症的分类不再局限于癌症起源的组织,而是基于肿瘤细胞携带的特定基因变异。这一基于分子生物学生物标志物的分类方法加快了靶向疗法的开发,而“不限癌种“的抗癌疗法可以说是靶向疗法中比较特别的一个分支。这些靶向疗法的靶点在起源于不同组织的多种癌症中存在,而且”不限癌种“疗法能够在多种癌症类型中表现出卓越的疗效。例如去年获批的Vitrakvi在携带NTRK基因融合的患者中能够达到81%的总缓解率。而刚刚获得FDA批准的Rozl...

EVOS™ 20X Objective, achromat, LWD, phase-contrast

上市日期: 2019-04-11
产品类别: EVOS


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® XL Core Imaging System, EVOS® XL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens

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This achromat objective is ideal for general applications. This is a long working distance (LWD) objective that is optimized for the imaging of slides, cell culture dishes and flasks, and microtiter plates. This is also a phase-contrast objective, making it useful for hard-to-see, translucent speciments. All EVOS® objectives offer outstanding optical performance from visible light to near infrared light. The extensive choice of objectives satisfies needs across the spectrum of magnifications and optical specifications.

Additional characteristics of this EVOS® objective:

• Magnification: 20X
• Numerical Aperture: 0.40
• Working Distance: 6.8 mm

Image Quality
Microscope objectives may be the most important components of an optical microscope because they are responsible for primary image formation. Image quality is crucial to experimental success and a requirement for publication; EVOS® objectives afford that quality across the visible spectrum to near infrared light. This performance results from years of lens manufacture perfection. EVOS® objectives have the same or better numerical apertures as any other manufacturer's in the same class, and the broad selection means you have choices for your imaging requirements.

Objective Classes

Achromat objectives are perfect for general applications, with standard correction of color and focus.

Fluorite objectives deliver excellent resolution and are made with higher numerical apertures than achromat objectives, resulting in brighter fluorescence signal and higher contrast imaging. The higher optical quality greatly reduces optical aberrations, and corrections for color and focus are at higher levels than achromat objectives. Fluorite objectives are ideally suited for fluorescence and demanding transmitted light applications, where the higher contrast make them ideally suited for color imaging.

Apochromat objectives are manufactured to the highest levels of resolution, fluorescence brightness, and contrast; chromatic aberrations are almost eliminated. They are recommended for the most demanding applications, particularly at magnifications of 60x and above. Apochromatic objectives are the best choice for the capture of color images in white light.

Brightfield Contrast versus Phase Contrast Objectives
Brightfield is the most basic form of light microscopy and is accomplished by sample absorption of light. A higher density area in a sample will absorb more light, thus increasing contrast in those areas.

Phase contrast objectives are most useful for hard to see, translucent specimens. This method of contrast is accomplished by converting phase shifts, caused by light passing through a translucent specimen, into brightness changes (i.e., contrast).

Long Working Distance versus Coverslip-Corrected Objectives
Long working distance (LWD) objectives are optimized for use through vessels with a nominal wall thickness of 0.9-1.5 mm. This includes vessels commonly used in cell culture and cell-based assays, such as slides, cell culture dishes and flasks, microtiter well plates, etc. Coverslip-corrected objectives are optimized for use through #1.5 coverslips (thickness approximately 0.17 mm). These objectives have a higher magnification/NA ratio and provide higher resolution compared to LWD objectives.

For additional choices, visit the EVOS® Objectives selection guide
Explore the entire EVOS® line of imaging systems and accessories


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® XL Core Imaging System, EVOS® XL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® XL Core Imaging System, EVOS® XL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens

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