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2018 - 07 - 20
一种非常复杂的治疗一些乳腺癌和卵巢癌的方法就是使用一类叫做PARP抑制剂的药物。PARP抑制剂旨在利用让发生某些突变的肿瘤特别致命的缺陷。然而,这种靶向癌症治疗方法有时会失败,科学家们迫切地想要知道其中的原因。 如今,在一项新的研究中,美国洛克菲勒大学的Titia de Lange教授及其团队对这种耐药性机制提供了新的认识,并且为抵抗这种耐药性提供了新的希望。他们发现了由基因BRCA1发生的错误引发的一些癌症逃避旨在杀死它们的定制药物的分子机制。这一发现也挑战了之前针对这些PARP抑制剂成功地或未能给患者带来益处的机制作出的猜测。相关研究结果于2018年7月18日在线发表在Nature期刊上,论文标题为“53BP1–RIF1–shieldin counteracts DSB resection through CST- and Polα-dependent fill-in”。图片来自Laboratory of Cell Biology and Genetics at The Rockefeller University。他们的发现有助于解释为什么某些癌症会对PARP抑制剂作出反应,而其他癌症却没有---这种认识最终可能有助于改善对患者的治疗。 缺陷和机会 专家们预测今年将有大约288000例乳腺癌和卵巢癌新确诊病例。这些癌症的很大一部分是由人类基因组中的两个最臭名昭着的基因--- ...
2019 - 05 - 23
2019年5月22日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --早稻田大学Toshio Ohshima教授的一项新研究发现,抑制塌陷反应介质蛋白2(CRMP2)(一种微管结合蛋白)的磷酸化可以抑制神经纤维的退化,促进视神经损伤后的再生。最近在《Scientific Reports》杂志上发表的这项研究结果可以为视神经病变患者开发新型治疗方法。青光眼患者视野中会出现盲点,并且当视神经恶化时可能导致失明。神经纤维的这种恶化和功能丧失也发生在创伤性神经损伤和神经系统疾病,例如阿尔茨海默病和ALS中。目前,由于轴突再生受到抑制因子的限制,因此不存在在损伤或变性后完全修复视网膜,脊髓和中枢神经系统的其他部分的方法。(图片来源:Www.pixabay.com)在过去的研究中,已经发现了抑制轴突再生的潜在机制,并且认为解决这些机制可以使科学家们在开发新的中枢神经系统损伤治疗方法方面更进一步。CRMP2蛋白质分子起到稳定微管的作用,微管在神经元细胞水平为中枢神经系统提供结构支持,并通过与微管蛋白二聚体结合促进聚合。然而,这些功能通过磷酸化(一种调节神经元蛋白的机制)被各种激酶阻止。“在我们之前的研究中,我们所做的是开发CRMP2敲入小鼠并从基因上抑制其CRMP2磷酸化,”Ohshima教授解释说。 “结果,CRMP2敲入小鼠在脊髓损伤后表现出轴突再生的促进。由此,我们假设在视神经损伤后也可以观察到相同的现象。...
2019 - 09 - 29
2019年8月24日讯 /生物谷BIOON /——一项新的研究表明,一种特殊的碳水化合物在调节人体血压方面发挥着重要作用。哥本哈根大学和Rigshospitalet的研究人员用老鼠做了一项新的研究证明了这一点。研究人员认为,这一发现可能对改进高血压药物具有巨大的潜力。高血压和低血压都可能对健康产生不良后果,分别导致心血管疾病和晕厥。现在,研究人员对有助于调节血压的因素有了更多的了解。这项新研究结果发表在《Journal of Biological Chemistry》杂志上。在哥本哈根大学和Rigshospitalet的跨学科合作中,博士生Lasse Holst Hansen在人类身上一种特殊的肽激素上发现了一种特定形式的碳水化合物或糖。此外,在对大鼠的实验中,研究小组发现含有这种糖的肽激素会影响血压的调节。他们希望,他们的研究结果在未来可以用于开发更好的高血压药物。图片来源:https://cn.bing.com'对于开发一种没有副作用(比如晕厥)的现代治疗高血压的方法,这可能是一个非常好的机会。人们早就知道这种肽激素对血压非常重要,但到目前为止还不能用于治疗。这一发现可能只是因为我们跨学科合作、基础和临床研究相结合的结果。'Rigshospitalet临床生物化学系Jens Peter G?tze教授说道。大约五分之一的丹麦人患有高血压。这会增加心血管疾病的风险...

Click-iT™ EdU Pacific Blue™ Flow Cytometry Assay Kit

上市日期: 2019-04-17


Flow Cytometer Laser Lines:405
For Use With (Equipment):Flow Cytometer
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Excitation⁄Emission (nm):404⁄450
Label or Dye:Pacific Blue™
Number of Reactions:50
Product Line:Click-iT™, Pacific Blue™
Product Size:50 assays
Green Features:Less hazardous
Shipping Condition:Room Temperature

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The Click-iT® EdU Pacific Blue™ Flow Cytometry Assay Kit provides a simplified, more robust assay for analyzing DNA replication in proliferating cells as compared to traditional BrdU methods. Newly synthesized DNA is analyzed using the 405 nm laser of the flow cytometer.

• Accurate—superior results compared to BrdU assays
• Fast—results in as little as 90 minutes
• Economical—more assays per kit

View selection guide for all Click-iT™ EdU and Click-iT™ Plus EdU assays for flow cytometry.

An Advanced Method Giving You Results Superior to BrdU
The most accurate method of proliferation analysis is direct measurement of DNA synthesis. Originally, this was performed through incorporation of radioactive nucleosides, i.e., 3H-thymidine. This method was replaced by antibody-based detection of the nucleoside analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The Click-iT® EdU Flow Cytometry Assay Kits are novel alternatives to the BrdU assay. EdU (5-ethynyl-2´-deoxyuridine) is a thymidine analog which is incorporated into DNA during active DNA synthesis. Detection is based on click chemistry: a copper catalyzed covalent reaction between an azide and an alkyne. In this application, the alkyne is found in the ethynyl moiety of EdU, while the azide is coupled to Alexa Fluor ® 488, Alexa Fluor® 647, or Pacific Blue™ dyes. Standard flow cytometry methods are used for determining the percentage of S-phase cells in the population (Fig 1).

Mild Conditions Allow Use with Cell Cycle Dyes and Antibodies
The advantages of Click-iT® EdU labeling are readily evident while performing the assay (Fig 2). The small size of the dye azide allows for efficient detection of the incorporated EdU using mild conditions, while standard aldehyde-based fixation and detergent permeabilization are sufficient for the Click-iT® detection reagent to gain access to the DNA. This is in contrast to BrdU assays that require DNA denaturation (using HCl, heat, or digestion with DNase) to expose the BrdU so that it may be detected with an anti-BrdU antibody. Sample processing for the BrdU assay can result in signal alteration of the cell cycle distribution as well as destruction of antigen recognition sites when using the HCl method. In contrast, the easy-to-use EdU cell proliferation kit is compatible with cell cycle dyes. This EdU assay kit can also be multiplexed with antibodies against surface and intracellular markers.

Quick and Simple Protocol
The Click-iT® EdU protocol is based on the aldehyde fixation and detergent permeabilization steps for immunohistochemical antibody labeling, but EdU is compatible with other fixation/permeabilization agents including saponin and methanol. In just five steps you’ll be ready to analyze your cell proliferation data:

• Treat cells with EdUM
• Fix and permeabilize cells
• Detect S-phase cells with Click-iT® detection cocktail for 30 min
• Wash once
• Analyze

Get Accurate Results Economically
By increasing the number of assays per kit, the Click-IT® EdU Pacific Blue™ Flow Cytometry Assay Kit is less expensive than the traditional BrdU assays making them ideal for large experiments.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Flow Cytometer Laser Lines:405
For Use With (Equipment):Flow Cytometer
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Excitation⁄Emission (nm):404⁄450
Label or Dye:Pacific Blue™
Number of Reactions:50
Product Line:Click-iT™, Pacific Blue™
Product Size:50 assays
Green Features:Less hazardous
Shipping Condition:Room Temperature


Flow Cytometer Laser Lines:405
For Use With (Equipment):Flow Cytometer
Detection Method:Fluorescent
Excitation⁄Emission (nm):404⁄450
Label or Dye:Pacific Blue™
Number of Reactions:50
Product Line:Click-iT™, Pacific Blue™
Product Size:50 assays
Green Features:Less hazardous
Shipping Condition:Room Temperature

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