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2018 - 07 - 13
对于酸奶我们并不陌生,超市冷藏柜中形形色色的酸奶有时候常常让我们眼花缭乱,酸奶作为人们日常饮食中不可缺少的食物,其对机体健康都有什么好处呢?看看下面这些研究吧!【1】希腊酸奶vs原味酸奶vs低脂酸奶 你如何选择一种最健康的酸奶?新闻阅读:Plain, Greek, low-fat? How to choose a healthy yoghurt酸奶是世界上最古老的发酵乳制品之一,其发源可以追溯到人类文明的开始,当人类开始驯养动物生产牛奶时,对于牛奶的保质期,人类就需要想出一些解决方案了。yoghurt(酸奶)一词来自土耳其,也就是说,在酸奶的生产过程中,牛奶会发生凝结或增稠的过程。与牛奶一样,酸奶也富含钙质和蛋白质,而且其还能为机体提供其它营养成分,比如碘、维生素D、B2、B12和锌等。但酸奶的营养要高于牛奶,主要的原因是发酵的过程会让其更易于被机体所消化,因此营养物质就可以很轻松地被机体所吸收。然而酸奶也有很多类型,比如希腊酸奶和液态酸奶,以及一些添加水果和益生菌的酸奶,那么你知道哪种酸奶最健康吗?通过向鲜奶中引入一些特定的细菌就能制作酸奶了,比如嗜热链球菌、德氏乳杆菌和保加利亚乳杆菌等。通常情况下这些细菌都会在酸奶中出现并且形成酸奶发酵液,它们的协同关系是最终产品一致性的关键因素,同时这也能够带来一些健康益处,比如降低机体腹泻的严重程度和持续时间等。【2】J Nutr and ...
2019 - 05 - 13
2019年5月23日讯 /生物谷BIOON /——发表在《JNeurosci》上的一项研究发现,缺乏Shank3基因的老鼠在前额皮质显示出结构和功能缺陷。这项研究增进了我们对自闭症谱系障碍最常见的遗传风险因素之一的理解。Shank3突变在患有自闭症和相关发育障碍的人群中很常见。先前的动物研究表明,Shank3和基底神经节功能障碍之间存在关联,这可能导致自闭症的重复性行为特征。在人类中,Shank3突变也与智力和语言障碍有关。图片来源: JNeurosciMarco Pagani、Alessandro Gozzi和他们的同事在成年雄性小鼠身上使用磁共振成像技术,发现缺乏Shank3的动物的前额皮质连接性和灰质体积减少。研究人员报告说,这些大脑差异与雌鼠的社交活动受损密切相关。这些发现证实了Shank3在维持前额皮质连接方面的作用,这可能会增加自闭症风险。(生物谷Bioon.com)参考资料:Alessandro Gozzi eT al. DeleTion of AuTism Risk Gene Shank3 DisrupTs PrefronTal ConnecTiviTy, JNeurosci (2019). DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2529-18.2019
2019 - 09 - 12
019年9月29日讯 /生物谷BIOON /--健康饮食中脂肪和碳水化合物的完美含量是多少?加拿大麦克马斯特大学的科学家们分析了来自世界18个国家的13.5万多人的饮食日记,以找出答案。研究结果支持了那句古老的格言:适量的摄入碳水化合物和脂肪对你的心脏有好处,可以延年益寿。研究参与者的碳水化合物摄入量占每日热量的46%到77%不等。这一比例越高,死亡、心脏病发作和中风的风险就越大。然而,低碳水化合物并没有带来好处--只要你把注意力集中在水果、蔬菜和全谷物上,而不是白面包和其他精制谷物、白米饭和高糖食物上,每天摄入50%的卡路里似乎就刚刚好。图片来源:https://cn.bing.com更多的惊喜来自脂肪的摄入。首先,每天从脂肪中摄取35%卡路里的人实际上比那些将脂肪含量限制在10%的人死亡的风险更低。也许并不是每个人都有必要将饱和脂肪控制在总热量的10%以下,事实上,低于7%甚至是有害的。一个关键的建议是如何替换多余的碳水化合物。最大的好处是多不饱和脂肪的食物,如核桃,葵花籽和亚麻籽,和脂肪含量高的鱼。需要注意的是:这些发现是基于一项观察性研究,因此研究人员不能直接将因果联系起来。您将希望将它们个性化到您独特的健康档案中。如果你有任何健康问题,和你的医生谈谈如何最好地解释结果。(生物谷Bioon.com)

EVOS™ 50X Oil Objective, achromat, coverslip-corrected

上市日期: 2019-04-15
产品类别: EVOS


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens

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This achromat objective is ideal for general applications. This is a coverslip-corrected objective that is optimized for imaging through #1.5 coverslips. All EVOS® objectives offer outstanding optical performance from visible light to near infrared light. The extensive choice of objectives satisfies needs across the spectrum of magnifications and optical specifications.

Additional characteristics of this EVOS® objective:

• Magnification: 50X
• Numerical Aperture: 0.95
• Working Distance: 0.19
• Immersion: Oil

Image Quality
Microscope objectives may be the most important components of an optical microscope because they are responsible for primary image formation. Image quality is crucial to experimental success and a requirement for publication; EVOS® objectives afford that quality across the visible spectrum to near infrared light. This performance results from years of lens manufacture perfection. EVOS® objectives have the same or better numerical apertures as any other manufacturer's in the same class, and the broad selection means you have choices for your imaging requirements.

Objective Classes

Achromat objectives are perfect for general applications, with standard correction of color and focus.

Fluorite objectives deliver excellent resolution and are made with higher numerical apertures than achromat objectives, resulting in brighter fluorescence signal and higher contrast imaging. The higher optical quality greatly reduces optical aberrations, and corrections for color and focus are at higher levels than achromat objectives. Fluorite objectives are ideally suited for fluorescence and demanding transmitted light applications, where the higher contrast make them ideally suited for color imaging.

Apochromat objectives are manufactured to the highest levels of resolution, fluorescence brightness, and contrast; chromatic aberrations are almost eliminated. They are recommended for the most demanding applications, particularly at magnifications of 60x and above. Apochromatic objectives are the best choice for the capture of color images in white light.

Brightfield Contrast versus Phase Contrast Objectives
Brightfield is the most basic form of light microscopy and is accomplished by sample absorption of light. A higher density area in a sample will absorb more light, thus increasing contrast in those areas.

Phase contrast objectives are most useful for hard to see, translucent specimens. This method of contrast is accomplished by converting phase shifts, caused by light passing through a translucent specimen, into brightness changes (i.e., contrast).

Long Working Distance versus Coverslip-Corrected Objectives
Long working distance (LWD) objectives are optimized for use through vessels with a nominal wall thickness of 0.9-1.5 mm. This includes vessels commonly used in cell culture and cell-based assays, such as slides, cell culture dishes and flasks, microtiter well plates, etc. Coverslip-corrected objectives are optimized for use through #1.5 coverslips (thickness approximately 0.17 mm). These objectives have a higher magnification/NA ratio and provide higher resolution compared to LWD objectives.


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens


For Use With (Equipment):EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Lens Type:Plan Achromat
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:Objective Lens

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