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2018 - 06 - 22
对创伤经历的回忆会导致精神健康问题,如创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),这会破坏一个人的生活。据估计,当前将近三分之一的人会在他们生命中的某个时刻遭受恐惧或应激相关的障碍。如今,一项新的研究在细胞水平展示了一种疗法如何能够治疗长期的创伤记忆。相关研究结果发表在2018年6月15日的Science期刊上,论文标题为“Reactivation of recall-induced neurons contributes to remote fear memory attenuation”。论文通信作者、瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)教授Johannes Gräff说,“我们的研究结果首次揭示了让成功治疗创伤记忆变得可能的过程。” 在治疗创伤记忆领域,对恐惧衰减(fear attenuation)是否涉及通过新的安全记忆痕迹(memory trace of safety)或将原始的恐惧记忆痕迹(memory trace of fear)重写为安全记忆痕迹来抑制原始的恐惧记忆痕迹,人们长期以来争论不止。图片来自EPFL / Gräff Group。这种争论的一部分与我们总体上还不能完全理解神经元如何存储记忆的事实相关。虽然这项研究取得的新发现不能排除这种抑制机制,但是它们首次证实了重写创伤记忆在治疗创伤记忆中的重要性。这个领域的研究重点在于理解大脑减少创伤记忆的能力...
2019 - 04 - 12
4 月 9 日,美国纽约市市长比尔 · 德 · 布拉西奥宣布,该市布鲁克林区的威廉斯堡进入紧急状态,让当地民众一时风声鹤唳。是什么导致政府宣布这一近年罕见的公共卫生紧急情况?答案你或许想不到,肇事者居然是为我们熟知的一种疾病——麻疹。卷土重来,美多地暴发麻疹疫情麻疹传染性极强,多见于儿童。我国在 1965 年后进行针对性疫苗接种的推广,这种疾病发病率逐渐减少。在美国,本已消失的麻疹病例在近些年时有出现,今年在个别地区更是呈大暴发之势。美国疾病控制中心(CDC)数据显示,截至 4 月 4 日,美国 19 个州统计共出现 465 个麻疹病例,成为 2000 年以来疫情第二严重年份(2014 年全美病例达 667 例)。而纽约的布鲁克林则成为重灾区,仅威廉斯堡这一社区从去年 10 月至今年 4 月 8 日就有 228 例确诊病例。除纽约市外,纽约州、新泽西州、华盛顿州、密歇根州以及加州等多个地区出现了 3 例以上的麻疹病例。而 CDC 将一地区出现 3 例以上麻疹病例定义为疫情暴发。一时间,麻疹疫情成为美国公共卫生领域最受关注的话题。推波助澜,“反疫苗运动” 难辞其咎CDC 认为,美国的麻疹疫情与从以色列、乌克兰和菲律宾等国来美旅客有关,这些国家正在暴发大规模麻疹疫情。而对于纽约市布鲁克林区来说,麻疹疫情的暴发则要归咎于人们的错误认知。一场愈演愈烈的 “反疫苗运动”,...
2019 - 08 - 23
2019年8月23日讯 /生物谷BIOON /——2019年6月,欧洲大部分地区遭遇了早期热浪,法国的气温达到了创纪录的46摄氏度(115华氏度)。热浪的特点是在几天几夜持续高温。它们对我们的日常生活有重要的影响--我们感到过热和疲劳。当热浪来袭时,许多政府会启动一项'热行动计划',建议受影响的人多喝水,避免剧烈运动,保持凉爽。如果不这样做,就有中暑的风险,而中暑有可能危及生命。但是,人体究竟是如何应对如此极端的温度的呢?为什么高温如此危险呢?哪些器官受到影响,什么时候情况会变得更糟?图片来源:http://cn.bing.com保持凉爽人体的核心温度通常在36到38摄氏度之间波动(97到99华氏度)。在这个温度范围内,生化反应可以正常进行,这对细胞和器官的正常功能至关重要。人类的身体也能很好地应对各种可能威胁其核心温度的环境条件。当核心温度偏离正常范围时,身体就会启动生理反应,使温度恢复正常。这种温度调节反应相当于你家的恒温器;一旦内部温度偏离理想温度,加热或冷却系统就会被激活,回到理想温度。在人体中,这个恒温器位于我们大脑的底部,一个叫做下丘脑的区域。位于我们皮肤、肌肉和其他器官的温度传感器提供的信息被分析,必要时,启动生理反应。对温度升高的第一个也是最重要的反应是通过我们身体的皮肤和四肢,如手和脚散热。我们开始产生汗液,汗液会在皮肤上蒸发,在这个过程中散热。这...

EVOS™ Light Cube, GFP

上市日期: 2019-04-12
产品类别: EVOS


Excitation⁄Emission (nm):Ex: 470/22 Em: 525/50
For Use With (Equipment):Countess® II FL Automated Cell Counter, EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:LED Light Cube

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All EVOS® fluorescence imaging systems and the Countess® II FL Automated Cell Counter contain our unique, proprietary LED light cubes. This world-leading light engine outputs remarkable intensity over a short light path that delivers superior fluorophore excitation. Each cube contains an LED, condensing optics, and hard-coated filters. EVOS® light cubes are user-changeable and automatically recognized by the system. The GFP light cube is ideal for use with Alexa Fluor® 488, Calcein, AM, CellLight® GFP, CellTracker™ Green, CellRox® Green, FITC, Fluo-4, GFP, and other fluorophores with excitation and emission maxima near 470 and 510 nm.

EVOS® light cubes offers you these important advantages:

• A shorter light path that affords superior detection of fluorescent signals
• Continuous illumination that enables consistent results
• A 50,000+ hour bulb lifetime that affords lower operating costs
• Adjustable light intensity that helps reduce photobleaching

Revolutionary Light Path
By placing the LED light cube as close as possible to the objective turret, the number of optical elements in the light path is minimized. High-intensity illumination over a short light path increases the efficiency of fluorophore excitation, providing better detection of weak fluorescent signals.

Continuous Light Intensity
Mercury arc lamps can decrease in intensity by 50% in the first 100 hours of operation—plus, images acquired in different sessions cannot be quantitatively compared using mercury illumination without complicated calibrations. Because EVOS® systems have continuous light cube intensity, users can rely on consistent illumination and can compare quantitative results from images acquired on different days. Each light cube contains a precisely matched set of optical components to optimize the position, evenness, and intensity of the light beam. Digitally controlled LED light sources allow adjustment of illumination levels, dramatically improving control over photobleaching.

Less Expensive to Own and Maintain
The LED bulbs on the EVOS® systems are rated for >50,000 hours (~17 years), compared to 300 hours for a typical mercury bulb and 1,500 hours for a metal halide bulb. This translates to savings in the overall upkeep of your instrument.

EVOS® Hard-coated Filter Sets for Higher Transmission Efficiencies
Hard-coated filter sets are more expensive that soft-coated filters, but they have sharper edges and significantly higher transmission efficiencies that typically result in >25% more light transmission than traditional soft-coated filters. With the EVOS® systems' hard-coated filter sets, your light cubes cost less over time. Plus, you will have brighter fluorescence, higher transmission efficiencies, the ability to detect faint fluorescence signals, and better signal-to-noise ratios. 


Excitation⁄Emission (nm):Ex: 470/22 Em: 525/50
For Use With (Equipment):Countess® II FL Automated Cell Counter, EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:LED Light Cube


Excitation⁄Emission (nm):Ex: 470/22 Em: 525/50
For Use With (Equipment):Countess® II FL Automated Cell Counter, EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System, EVOS® FL Color Imaging System, EVOS® FL Imaging System
Product Line:EVOS®
Product Size:1 each
Quantity:1 each
Type:LED Light Cube

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